

from memory
to shadows
to me again
you've returned
like the sun
finding me
in my dark places
pulling me
from the ground
teaching me to
blessing me
if only for a moment
and leaving me
to wonder
how i ever lost you
in the first place
my friend


Deliberate me

half sitting
hovering over porcelain
like the robin over her nest
seceding the remaining evidence into the sea
i listen
to water draining painfully from it's port
i read
the only WW i'll ever love
i admire how the paint
covers even the breakers on the wall
and i notice i'm moving not at all
only my eyes
my lungs
my thoughts
but i would keep those still if i could
and i trip/fall into my lover's bed
while i laugh/cry for my misfortune
and in life
i might be bury bottomed
but in my dreams i'm headed west
driving like i had somewhere to go
flooding the last day
with scenes from the first
and waiting
oh that unnerv'd waiting
for the when
when i will want no more